Advertise in East Sussex

If you want to advertise your business in East Sussex, then why not advertise with Modify Media. As part of the profits through Modify Media are then used to fund and support local community projects. 

Maxamsie your reach

With 3 websites all ranking in East Sussex, multiple social media pages and videos produced constantly. Advertising with Modify Media is an easy option for many local business owners.

Supporting your community

When you advertise with Modify Media through their advertising programmes, a portion of the profits are then used for community projects in East Sussex.

Rank locally

If you're looking to advertise in East Sussex, then Modify Media have a lot of local reachability which helps you advertise your business locally for less.

automated adverts

Simply pay for your monthly package deal to advertise in East Sussex and Modify Media will design, create, produce all the content and get it online for you to reach thousands.

Choose the perfect plan

If you want to advertise your business in East Sussex effortlessly and effectively, whilst also supporting good causes. Then these plans are for you and your business, why not reach masses whilst making a difference in East Sussex.

*These prices will increase on 31st March 2022

Option 1


Per month

Option 2


Per month

Option 3


Per month

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Frequently asked questions

In 2022 our reachability online would have grown to a point that we can provide even more reach for our clientele, of which would be more valuable and bring even more results faster.

Our range and consistency of events will have reached point to wherever members will benefit from networking, learning and advertising at faster rates, whilst also providing more value every time.

Also the educational aspects of these events will be more relevant, with more guest speakers, images, videos and larger groups. These events will be networking events, workshops and seminars of all kinds.

The options above are our most common and well used options for our clients, this minimises cost and maximises value for our advertisers and members. Although we have a full selection of services and options for any business owner.

Modify Media do anything from consultations and training workshops, to full video production, social media management, content creation, web design and much more. For more details visits

So our Option 2 price plan (£24.99) upwards is a Modify Media Membership. This membership is full of valuable resources, business opportunities and discounts that will save you money, advertise your business, get you networking, train your staff and much more! For as low as £24.99

Modify Media as a company support many local charities, organisations and community projects in East Sussex, which they do with money from their own profits. The higher the profits, the higher the percentage that is used for our community. 

Effectively the more businesses and locally people gain a valuable services from Modify Media, the more these people than also help their own community. 

Want your business below?